I got another new student today.
I started the year with 12 students. Lost one a few weeks in. Got a new one a few weeks ago and then another new one today. So now I have 13.
13 is an inconvenient number. Pairing the students to do activities doesn't work very well with an odd number. Getting a new student without notice in the middle of the day is also inconvenient. Finding a name plate for the new kid's desk and a locker that is empty for her stuff and a place for her in the line order are all inconvenient. Explaining the behavior system, schedule and procedures are inconvenient too.
But if I wanted a "convenient" job I would have worked at the country club across the street from my house.
Inconvenient is the name of the game if you or I want to make some sort of difference in the world.
I emailed my mom, Savannah and Amy mid-day today to ask them to pray that I have grace for one more child. Here are a few things they each said:
Savannah: "God has you there & god put Jakiya in your class for a reason!"
Amy: "You're so strong!! I will begin to pray for her."
Mom: "Trusting that every child that comes through your door is brought by God, and needs to have you in his or her life."
Sometimes it's good to let people know you're feeling inconvenienced. They will quickly remind you of what's important.
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